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The mission behind the movie

About Black Flowers 

“If you are a storyteller, I feel that speaking about the environment is your duty now.”

- Richard Mosse, 2022

Director's Vision

I have always been very interested and worried about the issues of the climate crisis our Earth is in right now, and which will be even worse in the following years. I try to play my part in my daily life, however by starting a career in Journalism and Film I soon came to the realisation that I have another powerful tool available: storytelling.

It can be argued that we hear stories about climate change almost every day. We have seen documentaries of forests burning or climate catastrophes in Hollywood blockbusters and sadly we have normalised them in a certain way.

As Mosse (2022) explains in the presentation of his latest film Broken Spectre: “Those pictures are very important, but there is so much more to unpack. [...] There are bigger subjects that the camera cannot necessarily see.” The issue here is that climate change doesn’t necessarily fit a singular image, as it “exists outside of human perception. It is bigger than us. We can see local expressions of it, but we cannot see the climate changing and that’s really the inherent problem. It is on a scale beyond what we can perceive.”


The question I set to myself is:

‘How can I use my creative practice to engage and inform audiences about the abstract story of climate change as well as explain in a different way the oppressions and crimes humans exercise on the Earth?’

My mission is to change the climate change narrative, providing a new perspective on the issues of the environmental crisis we hear everyday.

With Black Flowers I try to change the climate change narrative we are used to providing a new perspective on the issues of the environmental crisis we hear every day. I want to represent the Earth's suffering, creating an experimental film that doesn’t explain what is happening to the environment but that through the horror genre makes us feel the suffering and oppression we force on our planet.

Stefania Dall'Armi
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'Broken Spectre' Richard Mosse (2022)

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